Technical Editing Services

I told you earlier about some new services I was going to be offering and today I’m releasing those!

math, math, math, work, work, work, fun, fun, fun

Technical Editing is something that designers love; something that designers need.  As a knitwear designer, I seek out Tech Editors to look over my patterns before I publish them, having a fresh set of eyes on a design that I’ve been looking at for ages is always a good idea – they might spot a spelling or grammatical error that I missed just because I’d been looking at it for too long, they’ll tell me whether the pattern is coherent and will make sense to the average knitter.

Tech Editing is something that I’m offering to other designers.  With my services I promise:

  • to check for spelling and grammar mistakes
  • to make sure that everything flows together coherently
  • to make sure that abbreviations have been explained
  • to make sure that basic calculations are accurate
  • to check efficient use of space

I’ve been knitting for about 13 years and designing my own projects the entire time.  My first design was published about 5 years ago and I haven’t stopped since.  I have strong mathematical abilities and having gone to an Engineering school for college, these strengths have been honed for the engineering of knitwear.  English is always something that I studied fiercely, grammar and spelling mistakes irk me to no end and I always have a red pen in my head when I read essays written by classmates, colleagues and publications.

I charge $25/hr for Technical Editing but for the first month I’m offering a discounted rate of only $20/hr.  This offer will extend for services rendered through August 10, 2012.

For more details please see my Technical Editing Page.

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